Wednesday, February 03, 2021

NEW FICTION: STILL MY BABY . . . by Lori D. Johnson (SFWP Quarterly)

For those who’ve enjoyed my brand of humor in the past, the following is a link to a somewhat humorous girl-meets-boy tale called “Still My Baby.”  You can find my story in a special BIOPIC issue of the Santa Fe Writers Project Quarterly.   

The theme of this special BIOPIC issue of SFWP Quarterly centers around the concept of pleasure.  So, keep that in mind as you are reading and hopefully enjoying the work. 😉  Also, if you do enjoy, be sure to show a sister some love by either leaving a comment, by sharing the link, or depositing a bit of something in the tip jar (located on the site at the end of the piece), if you’re so inclined. 

The following is a brief excerpt of “Still My Baby” (by Lori D. Johnson).   See the most recent issue of SFWP Quarterly to read the rest of the story.

Thursday 9:47 p.m.

Her phone rings.  She contemplates ignoring the call, but a second before it rolls to voicemail, she picks up.  “Hello.”

“Hey baby, it’s me.  How’s it going?”

She smiles and shakes her head.  “I’m fine Darrell.  How are you?”

“I’m great, babe, but then, you already know that.”  His laughter is longer and louder than the joke warrants.  “Listen, I want you to go to this party with me tomorrow night.” 

“Sorry, I’m not--”

“Hold on, let me finish.  A lot of important people are scheduled to be there.  I could introduce you to some very influential--”

“As I was about to say,” she says, her agitation obvious. “I’m not interested. I already have plans.”

He’s silent for so long, she wonders if he’s hung up.  Finally, he says, “You know, I could do things for you.  You want to take a trip?  I’ll send you anywhere you want to go.  You need clothes? Shoes? Furs?  You name it, I can get it for you.”

“I bet,” she says.  “In exchange for?”

“I’ve got a Jag,” he says, leaving her question hanging.  “A nice apartment, a nice bank account and lots of friends in high places.  I mean, what more could any woman ask for?”

“A little humility might be nice,” she says. “Besides, since you already seem to have everything you need, what could you possibly want with somebody like me?”