Tuesday, January 01, 2008

IT'S 2008 . . . HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

How about we start off 2008 with a quote?

"Imagination is more important than knowledge."
Albert Einstein

Don't you love that? I ran across it several months ago in an article about Walter Isaacson who penned a bio entitled Einstein: His Life and Universe. Deep down in my gut, I've always believed the idea expressed in the statement above. But it was nice to see that a "genius" had actually confirmed it (smile).


pjazzypar said...

What a wonderful quote to start the new year. Without imagination there would be no need for knowledge or anything else for that matter. Imagination is the foundation for everything that exists, including knowledge. Happy New Years and many more.

Shelia said...

Happy New Year to you too! Love the quote.

Malcolm said...

Good choice of a quote to start off 2008. Many times, not knowing how a process works frees up an individual to use their imagination and therefore be bold and innovative.

Btw, welcome back!