Showing posts with label After The Dance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label After The Dance. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

See below for details of upcoming signings in Charlotte for the month of May.
Me, Ayo, Martin & Tam
at Davis-Kidd signing in Memphis
From Lori's Picture Collection
April 2008

On Saturday May 10, 2008 from 2:00-3:00, I will be signing copies of my debut novel, After The Dance, at Park Road Books (located in the Park Road Shopping Center, 4193 Park Road ) in Charlotte, N.C.

On Friday, May 16 from 12:00-1:30, I will be signing copies of my debut novel, After The Dance, at Joseph-Beth Booksellers (located in the Southpark Mall, 4345 Barclay Downs Drive) in Charlotte, N.C.

I'm waiting on confirmation of an additional signing in Charlotte for May. I'll keep you posted.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Da Handsome Nephews who insisted
on taking a picture with their "auntie" Da Author.
From Lori's Picture Collection
April 2008
Lori & Cousins.
From Lori's Picture's Collection
April 2008
Holding the book is my cousin Punkin who no longer
wants to be called Punkin (LOL). Next to me is my cousin Joyce, who looks
like she could be my sister rather than Punkin's (smile).
From Lori's Picture Collection
April 2008

Me and my Cool Cousin Mike, who recently earned

his MPD major's badge.
From Lori's Picture Collection
April 2008
One of my Memphis neighbors.
From Lori's Picture Collection
April 2008
One of these young'uns took quite a few of the pictures at
his Mama's signing. From Lori's Picture Collection
April 2008
Me at the end of a long day.
From Lori's Picture Collection
(April 2008)

Okay, so it's like this--I could stand to lose 30-40 . . . okay possibly even 50 lbs and probably ditch as well what one of my good friends calls the "holiday hair" (LOL), but you know, it is what it is. As my friend Charlotte told me once a long time ago, the folks who really love and care about you are always going to see past all of that.

Also, let me apologize ahead of time to those whose picture didn't make it into this blog piece. Really, there were just too many of y'all. I'll try to include you the next time out.

Pictures from the Davis-Kidd Signing for After The Dance
from Lori's Picture Collection
April 2008
Me and one of of my best sister-friends, Charlotte.

Me and Joy, the romance-reading friend from the library

who helped inspire the creation of After The Dance.

Me and Cathy, a friend who worked in Magazines & Newspapers with me back in the day.
Lori and The Always Cool Griff at The Davis-Kidd Signing.
Pictures from the Barnes & Noble Signing of After The Dance
from Lori's Pciture Collection
April 2008
Me And My G0-to-Guy Michael at the Barnes & Noble Signing in Memphis.
April 2008
Katie, a friend from my Memphis public library days.
Karen, one of my very first fans from back in the day (smile).
A new fan

Wait, is the line to the door?

Me and some members from my old church in Memphis.
From Lori's Picture Collection
April 2008

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


On Saturday, April 12, 2008, I held two signings for my debut novel, After The Dance. More than 50 folks showed up at both events--approximately 51 at the first one and 58 at the second. According the my calculations, close to 100 (99) copies of After The Dance were sold and signed within the span of 4 hours.

Forgive me for being glib, but really I have to say this to the bookseller who declined to arrange a signing of my book at his store because in his words, Memphis isn't a big enough town for two launch parties . . . What the?! Who said anything about?! Anyway, maybe, just maybe what's lacking in size Mr. Bookseller Ole Boy is your vision. Free your mind and your @$$ just might follow (LOL).

In any case, there are a few things I will definitely do differently the next time out. We actually ran out of books at the 2nd signing--something which could have been easily avoided, but that's all right. Like I said, now that I know who's willing to work with me and who's not . . . (LOL).

Hey, it was and is still all good (smile). Approximately 20 minutes into the 2nd affair when it looked like we were about to run out of books, my quick thinking niece and sister-in-law called the bookstore at the mall across the street. On locating another ready supply, they went and bought a handful and brought them back over for me to sign. A couple of other folks did the same. Wow! How's that for being "resourceful?" You've gotta love it, dontcha? Shortly after that little stunt, another boxful of my books suddenly materialized (LOL).

A great big ole shout out to everyone who bought a book and/or in some way lent their time, energy and support to making the launch of my debut novel in Memphis a success. Thanks for helping me prove that Memphians of all racial, ethnic and economic backgrounds will turn out and support a sister who dares hold two book signings at two different venues on one day (smile).

Thursday, March 27, 2008


UPDATE / BREAKING NEWS For those of you who'd rather leave the reading to others, an AUDIO version of After The Dance will soon be available. Yes, that's right--I'm talking CDs, cassettes and via download. Is that cool or what? (smile)

BOOK CLUB MEMBERS For those of you interested in a deeper discount, the book will soon be available through the Black Expressions Book Club. Visit their site for details.

Also, if your book club meets in any of the following areas: Charlotte, Winston-Salem, Durham, Memphis or Cleveland and your members plan to read and discuss the book, please let me know. I'm opening to attending/participating in discussions of the book in person, by arrangement and at no expense to your club OR via teleconference if you live outside of those areas.

REVIEWS Comments about the book have been wonderful, thus far (smile). You'll find links to a few of the reviews in this blog's upper, right hand corner. A couple of the reviews also appear in the novel's listing on Amazon. Feel free to add your own impressions of the novel in Amazon's comment section.


Look for me in
Memphis on Saturday April 12th, 2008
11:00 - 1:00 at Barnes & Noble Booksellers (6385 Winchester Blvd) **open to the public**

3:00 - 5:00 at Davis-Kidd Booksellers--Bronte Bistro (387 Perkins Road Ext) **invitation only**

I'll post details of my other signings as we move closer to those dates.

LAST WORDS Buy the book y'all or check it out from the library. If you enjoy it, share it with a friend. If you hate it, pass it along to one of your enemies. Either way it goes, I appreciate the support (smile).

Friday, March 21, 2008


Earlier in the week, I held a contest in an effort to promote the upcoming release of my debut novel, AFTER THE DANCE. While Malcolm of Pop Culture Dish, Presented by Malcom won the free, autographed copy of the novel I was giving away, Pjazzy of Traces of a Stream won the free CD ( just so you know, she chose Four Play's version of After The Dance).

But there is one prize left! A bottle of Memphis style barbecue sauce (your choice of Neely's or Corky's) will be awarded to the first person able to correctly name all of the Al Green songs mentioned in my novel AFTER THE DANCE.

Pjazzy won the CD by correctly guessing that a total of six (6) Al Green songs are mentioned in AFTER THE DANCE. Thus far, she's also correctly guessed two of the songs: "Love and Happiness" and "Look What You've Done For Me."

Since there is only one prize left and only four songs to guess, I'm adding a new rule to the game. Hey, it's my game, I can do what I want (LOL). Anyway, the new rule is you can only guess two songs at a time. Okay? Got it?

Now, all of you lurkers out there need to come out of hiding and give Pjazzy a good run for the sauce (smile). Hmm, things could get messy. But if they do, I'll happily throw in some free napkins or a roll of paper towels (LOL).

Winner or no winner, the contest will officially end on Sunday morning (March 23, 2008). But don't worry, there will be other contests and other prizes.

In the meantime,

Have a great Good Friday and a Blessed Easter

Sunday, March 16, 2008

WIN A FREE COPY OF . . . AFTER THE DANCE . . . AND OTHER PRIZES . . . (See Contest Details Below)

In case you haven't figured it out yet, I'm a music lover. My debut novel contains over 20 references to songs and artists. But one artist in particular has more songs listed than any of the others.

I'll award a free, autographed copy of AFTER THE DANCE to the first person who can correctly guess the name of the artist whose music is mentioned more times than any of the others in the book.

In addition, I'll award a free AFTER THE DANCE cd (either Marvin's or the Fourplay version) to the first person who can correctly guess the number of songs the book contains by the artist whose name is most frequently mentioned.

As an extra bonus, I'll give a free bottle of Memphis barbeque sauce (Neely's or Corky's) to the first person who can correctly guess the names of the songs by the artist who is most frequently mentioned in my novel, AFTER THE DANCE.

Got it?! You wanna play? Yes, it is possible to win all three prizes. No, you won't have to pay any shipping and handling charges. Ready?! Set!? Go!


Monday, January 21, 2008


Advance Praise For
AFTER THE DANCE by Lori Johnson
"AFTER THE DANCE is a fast-paced delight with a plotline so intriguing and dialogue and characters so real, I had to keep reminding myself that I was reading fiction. It is an easy read with NO dull moments. I was hooked from the first page to the last. This is a five star new story from a five star new author!"
--Mary Monroe, New York Times bestselling author

"Surprisingly well-written. But I'm not sure if I want my church members reading this."
--Bobbie Mae Johnson, Lori's Mama and Cummings Street Missionary Baptist Church member

Okay, I'm tripping (LOL). Even though both quotes are indeed legit, only the first will appear on the 2nd edition of the book's cover. Anyway, I have a few additional equally nice quotes that I'll save for a later date.

Click on the link below if you'd like to check out the new web site.
If you feel like reading, the site also includes an excerpt of the work. I hope to add an Amazon "buy this book" tag to the site in the coming days.

Sunday, January 20, 2008


No, it won't be long now. Thanks to SheliaRenee of N'Digo Design, my new web site should be up and running sometime within the next few days.

It's been a long journey, to say the least. After the first sistergirl webdesigner happily took all of my info, but failed to deliver or even summon the courtesy to say why she couldn't, I wasn't particularly eager to jump back on board with anyone. I really don't have time to be wasting. No, I'm not hating, just calling 'em like I see 'em. If you want to do business, you really ought to be about business.

Anyway, working with SheliaRenee of N'Digo Design has renewed my faith. She's been personable, patient, prompt and extremely professional. Big ups to E.C. for passing her name along to me.

I prefer keeping things simple, so you won't find a whole lot of bells and whistles or new stuff on the web site, at least not right away. BUT the site will include an excerpt of AFTER THE DANCE. Hopefully, reading it will inspire you to pre-order the book or make plans to snag a copy when it hits the shelves in April.

Also, in a coming post, I hope to share some of the reactions (blurbs & comments) the book has already garnered. So, y'all come back now, ya hear (smile)?!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Yeah, I know. Shameless self-promotion, right? Well, at least I'm doing it over here in my own little spot and not junking up your in-box with it (smile). So humor me, all right? Officially, the book (After The Dance) doesn't make its debut in bookstores until April of 2008, which gives you plenty of time to at least give it some thought. So anyway, if you were going to buy my book, which one of following just might work for you?

1) If you pre-order now from Amazon, you'll get a really great discount. (Cheap is good, right? Okay, except when it comes to husbands, dates, boob-jobs and cars.)

2) You're in need of a new doorstop. (Can you say "multi-purpose?")

3) You feel sorry for me. (Hey, it worked for Sanjaya of American Idol fame.)

4) You enjoy my Thursday 13's. (Same kind of humor, slightly different format.)

5) You want to be among the first to trash it. (Okay, Mom if this works for you, what can I say?*smile*)

6) You typically enjoy romantic comedies. (Yes, wedged between the snarkiness and the over the top humor, there's actually an honest-to-goodness love story.)

7) You'll do anything to get me to shut up talking about it. (Hey, if you buy two or more, you won't hear another dang peep outta me.)

8) You routinely support new authors. (Okay, I've been around for a while, but this is my first book.)

9) You're curious to see how or if I pulled it off. (I am talking about the book . . . it's not even that kind of party.)

10) You're in the mood for a fun read. (No, it ain't all that deep.)

11) You're in need of an inexpensive gift. (Really, at $15.oo, it's practically a steal.)

12) You're a fan of music from the old school. (Old school, rules y'all! And there's plenty of it in my book.)

13) You want to be counted among the first to give it a thumbs up. (All joking aside, I am hoping that at least a few folks will enjoy my first full-length literary offering.)

Thanks for the indulgence. In today's competitive marketplace, a girl has to hawk her wares every chance she gets. At least that's what the publishing folks keep telling me (smile).

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here! The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others' comments. It’s easy, and fun! Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

Friday, November 30, 2007


Well, there it is . . . the cover for my first novel . . . After the Dance. What do you think? I'd hope to showcase it on my web site first. But you know, things don't always work out the way you'd like (sad smile).

Oh, by the way, copies of the book are currently availabe for pre-order from Borders and Amazon, among others. Of course, you could also wait until the books make their official debut in stores in April of 2008.

If you are a bona fide reviewer and you'd like an advanced review copy, go to my profile page (look under my picture in the right hand corner), send me a request by email and I'll see if I can't hook you up. But you've gotta be a bona fide reviewer with a verifiable track record and not just somebody out looking for a freebie (LOL). Not that I'm totally opposed to freebies because I just might give a few away via a contest or two. We'll see.

Personally, I'm extremely pleased with the book cover art. I've long heard the horror stories about authors who hated their covers so much they broke down and cried or threw hissy fits when they first laid eyes on them. I'm happy to say that wasn't the case for me.

Interestingly enough, the good folks over at Dafina/Kensington actually asked me what I'd like to see on the cover. I mentioned a scene that takes place in downtown Memphis. It's raining and the couple are slow-dancing by the riverside. The way I envisioned it, the couple appeared in silhouette. And most of important of all, the Hernando-Desoto Bridge with its distinctive arching M's (for M-town or Memphis) was clearly visible. I even sent them a few photos of the bridge, so they'd have a better idea of what I was talking about. And Lo and behold, if Ms. Kristine Mill-Noble (Kensington's artistic director) and crew didn't absolutely NAIL IT! Not only do you have to love it when folks do right by you, if you have the least bit of hometraining, you doggone well oughta acknowledge it too. So again, THANKS Kristine.

Now, I may leave this up for a while. Not only because I like looking at it (LOL), but I need to take care of a few other projects. But in my absence, please feel free to comment. I'll be back soon to (among other things) tell you a little bit more about the book and why I think some of the fellas in particular will enjoy it even though it is very much a love story.

So until then . . . Peace & Blessings Y'all . . .
(Written while listening to, among other things "After The Dance" by Marvin Gaye and "Baby I'm For Real" by the Originals).

Saturday, November 03, 2007

IN PRAISE OF GOOD BLACK FATHERS . . . A Few Comments & A Call For Submissions . . .

Recently, while reflecting on "Carl" the male protagonist in my novel, After The Dance, I drew up a list of some of his more positive traits. The list included some of the following descriptions:

1) He's an old school romantic -- he draws a considerable amount of pleasure from love songs and slow dances;

2) He's hard-working -- he juggles a 9-5 at FedEx and a part-time handyman gig;

3) He's smart and goal-oriented -- he takes night classes & is working toward an MBA;

4) He's silly & fun-loving -- he appreciates the humor in life and isn't too proud or uptight to make a fool of himself every now and then;

5) He's a good father -- his children are, without a doubt, his pride and joy.

Of all the traits on my list, I think the last one may, ultimately, prove the most intriguing to many readers. In After The Dance, I paint a portrait of an adult Black male who not only provides for his children, but also plays and prays with them too. When was the last time you read about a brother like that? Much less saw one on television or at the movies?

There are some in the media, Hollywood, the publishing world, the music industry, society in general, and heck, even within the African American community who would have us believe the type of Black man I just described doesn't even exist. I know better. And as the saying goes, it's never a bad idea to "write what you know." (smile)

So for the most part, that's what I did in After The Dance. I wrote about Black men (and women) who though flawed and at times guilty of outrageous, if not down-right morally reprehensible behavior, are still basically good at heart, capable of seeing the error of their ways and open to changing for the better.

I come from a family full of men like my protagonist, Carl. Though not "perfect" by any means, most of them were/are hard-working, God-fearing, loving and devoted to their families. I'm also proud to say I come from several generations of Southern, working-class, but largely "intact" Black families. I grew up in a household with a Black father. My father lived in a household with a Black father. I grew up knowing both of my African American grandfathers. My own father grew up knowing both of his African American grandfathers, both of whom lived within walking distance of him and his siblings.

My grandfather and his children on an outing. My father is the babyboy seated on the bench. (From Lori's Picture Collection)

No, my father didn't come from Black middle-class, college-educated people. He came from Black Southern farmers and laborers, who though "land-rich" were by most standards "dirt poor." But the way some folks talk, people like me ought to somehow feel guilty about our so-called "privileged" upbringing. Well, forgive me, but I don't . . . not in the least.

My grandfather (mother's side) and my son.
(From Lori's Picture Collection)

What I do feel, I'm not ashamed to say, is special . . . thanks in large part to the presence of a loving, caring and supportive Black father (as well as a couple of grandfathers, a bunch of uncles and a slew of male cousins) in my life.

My Dad and my son. (From Lori's Picture Collection)

If you have a "poignant" story about a Black father you'd like to share, The Five Sisters Publishing Company out of Sacramento, California is looking for essays (350-1500 words) for their "Father's Project." The deadline is November 15, 2007. Authors of selected stories will receive a $25.00 honorarium, a copy of the book and a byline. Check out the following link "Our Black Fathers" for more information.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


1) Why don't you blog more often? Same reason I don't read more. I'm generally too busy writing. There are only so many hours in a day. When I'm not working on a serious project, I like spending as much time as I can doing things with the family and away from the computer.

2) Why don't you have more writers/authors on you list of links? In most things, I'm not one to play favorites. But I must admit to owning a bias for African American writers who hail from the South. With that in mind, at the present time, I've decided to limit my writer/author links to folks with ties to Memphis, TN (my home town) and Charlotte, NC (where I currently reside). Of course, it is a woman's prerogative to change her mind.

3) Why doesn't your blog contain more info about your book? Patience grasshopper. It's coming. I just received a copy of my cover a week or so ago. As soon as I receive the official okay, I'll post it.

4) Why do you blog so much about music? You obviously missed that post (smile). Check it out here, if you're interested or need a refresher. But the short answer is, writing, reading and music have always gone hand-in-hand for me. I was born in Memphis, home of the Blues, Al Green, B.B. King (got his start there), Bobby Blue Bland, Rufus Thomas, Earth Wind & Fire (even though they seldom claim it) Isaac Hayes, Stax Records and Beale Street. Oh yeah, and Elvis too (smile). I grew up in a home where jazz and r &b was purchased, played and partied to on the regular. Quiet as it's kept, and in another life, mind you, I really did want to be a Disc Jockey. You'd best believe, I'm jamming to some Aretha (who, by the way was born in Memphis) as I type this. "Rock Steady Baby!"

5) What's up with those Cleveland links? I lived in Beachwood, a suburb of Cleveland, Ohio for 4 long, cold-a$$ years, before I relocated to Charlotte. The links are just my way of showing my Cleveland peeps some love.

6) Will your novel, After The Dance, be anything like your blog? God-forbid. LOL. My novel is simultaneously a romantic comedy and a parody of sorts, in that it pokes fun at various elements of the traditional "romance" genre. My novel is set in Memphis and contains a number of old school musical references. Hmm, I sense a contest coming on. Question #1 who can guess how many song references the book contains? And the prize? I haven't worked that out yet. But I am open to suggestions.

7) What's up with the black & white baby picture? And how come you haven't posted a current photo of yourself? What? You don't like my baby picture? I hate having my picture taken. Always have. But I'll post a more current one soon . . . maybe . . . we'll see (smile).

8) How come you don't have a website? Dag, give a sister a break, why don't ya? I'm slow, but I'm getting there. Really, I am. Soon as it's up and running, I'll let you know.

9) How come your blog contains so many doggone lists? I'm guessing some sort of undiagnosed obsessive-compulsive disorder. LOL. Seriously though, creating lists is something I've done since I was a child.

Any more questions?
I just might have few more answers in me.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

COINCIDENCE . . . OR DIVINE INTERVENTION? PT I (A Few Odd Happenings On The Road to Publication)

Have you ever experienced one of those moments in life that made you wonder if what just took place was truly a coincidence or if the hand of GOD had actually come into play? Well, I've had things of that nature happen to me so many times over the years, I've stopped counting them. Still, I'm always momentarily taken aback when they arise.

I'm not talking about those random or odd happenings that sometimes occur when folks with similar interests or like backgrounds collide or meet up in the same place. Just last week, I experienced one of those. While blog-hopping one night, I stumbled upon a funny comment from an artist I'd actually met, barely a couple of weeks before, and whose work I'd admired enough to purchase at a local art festival.

Yes, those isolated "small world" moments are neat, but that's not what I'm talking about. What I mean are those All Up In Your Face moments that force you to nod, if not outright bow to the Higher Power (or unseen forces, if you prefer) working behind the scenes.

Case in point, years ago, when I lived in Memphis and still drove a hoopty, it up and stalled on me a couple of times. Both times the car quit and wouldn't start again were at night and in one of those instances, in a part of the city that could best be described as less than desirable. In the latter instance, it just so happened I was with friends and within walking distance of a well-lit gas station that had a working phone. (This was, of course, in the days before cell phones became all the rage). I called up a cousin, who lived nearby and who, to my surprised and good fortune, just so happened to be at home, instead out making his drug rounds to his usual customers . . . oh yeah, true story.

Anyway, the other time my hoopty died, I was alone and I'd just left a REALLY BAD area, one where I could have been easly hit by a car if not shot, stabbed and kilt dead (ebonics 101 y'all) in the very process of trying to find a working phone. On that particular occasion, as fate would have it, my car screeched to a halt at a corner . . . a corner that was only a 3 minute walk from my favorite aunt and uncle's house.

A couple of odd and random coincidences? No baby, that was some sho' nuff divine intervention because in Memphis if your car dies at night and you don't have ready access to a phone, you'd best start praying the worse the thugs decide to do is take your money, jewelry, rims and what have you . . .

So why am I bringing any of this up? And what, if anything, does it have to do with my book deal? Well, recently a series of odd things happened to me with regards to the pending publication of my novel, AFTER THE DANCE and I felt like sharing . . .

But before I do, I'd like to invite any of you who've experienced similarly odd happenings to share a bit of what transpired in your particular situation.