Sunday, May 29, 2022


 The following is an excerpt from a FB post I shared not too long ago. 

For me, reading THAT LONELY SPELL (by Frances Park) was like that point in a phone conversation with an old friend when the two of you stop laughing and dishing the dirt long enough to get quiet and venture into deeper territory.  I even found myself mentally renaming the book THOSE QUIET MOMENTS. ‘Cause really, I can see and hear so many of those essays as conversations, if not on the phone then, perhaps, late at night on a friend or relative’s deck or patio as the once hot grill is cooling and everyone else has gone inside and it’s just the two of you, swatting mosquitoes, listening to the cicadas, and sipping on a cold or chilled glass of something--wine or maybe iced tea.  So you’re sitting there right, when out of nowhere, comes a story, a retelling of an incident or a revelation that ripples through the quiet of the moment, the still of the night--the type which returns to haunt you, sometimes years later and always when you least expect it. 

But before I veer too deep into ramble mode, allow me to share a few specifics with regards to what I enjoyed about the book.  For one, I enjoyed the fact that each essay opened with a photo.  I find images and photos anchoring.  They add texture and give me a better feel for the subject matter and/or the people being discussed.  I liked the fact that most of the essays were short and to the point ‘cause let’s be honest, my attention span ain’t what it used to be.  I appreciated how Parks interlaced her experiences as a Korean American and the daughter of immigrants throughout the work which is described on the back cover as “an elegy to Park’s father, who died when the author was in her early 20s.”  

The essays I enjoyed the most included the following:  “Kiss-Kiss-Kissuni” (a dive into Park’s relationship with her grandparent’s Korean housekeeper that ends with a heavy, unexpected twist); “That Lonely Spell” (a tender tribute to life’s highs and lows); “Finding West Virginia” (a look at unfulfilled longing) and “Hey Judy” (an abrupt end to a childhood friendship that leaves lingering questions).  

There were a number of essays in the collection that moved me in some way, but probably none more than “Hey Judy.”  Having spent a large portion of my youth moving from one air base to another due to my dad’s career in the Air Force, I’ve had several experiences like the one Parks describes in “Hey Judy.”  Moments in time where you either bond or regularly interact with someone only to have them disappear and either leave you wondering whatever happened to them and/or  being stunned by what you later learn of their fate.  Over the course of my life, I’ve also known more than a few seemingly troubled souls, like Judy.  When I shared the details of “Hey Judy” with my husband, his response was, “OMG! I can totally see that as a movie.” Now, for the record, Al has never responded in such an enthusiastic manner to any of my novels, short stories or essays so suffice to say, I was a bit taken aback, lol.  

In all seriousness, I found THAT LONELY SPELL thoroughly engaging and I applaud Frances Park for owning the courage to share so many emotionally-moving chapters of her life.  

Saturday, October 30, 2021

PUB DROP: A Long Overdue Update of Recent Publications by Lori D. Johnson

My apologizes for being so lax when it comes to adding new blog posts or sharing

news about my latest publications.  In some respects, my life these days resembles one

huge juggling act with balls dropping, left and right.  Even though most time I’ve

managed to keep a smile on my face, I can’t say that I’m always having fun.

But enough with the sob story.

I am proud and pleased to announce the following:

1) My short story Shepherd’s Hell” is the lead story in Coolest American Stories 2022, an anthology that’s scheduled for publication in January of 2022.  Coolest American Stories includes stories by such heavyweights as S.A. Cosby (author of Blacktop Wasteland), Frances Park (When My Sister Was Cleopatra Moon) and Lee Martin (The Bright Forever).  The collection of cool stories is currently available for pre-order via Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Itascabooks.

To be honest, I’m still trying to wrap my brain around the fact that a story of mine

is included in the lot.  A recent review of Coolest American Stories by Wayne Coster Cooper on the

College Standard includes a few highlights and descriptions of a few of the stories in the collection,

my contribution “Shepherd’s Hell” among them.

2) In May of 2021, An excerpt (chapters 2-3) from my unpublished novel

A LITTLE LIGHT was selected as one of 5 winners in the Novel Slices 2021 Contest.  You can read a portion of my excerpt as well as the excerpts of the other winners on Novel Slice’s website. 

The full excerpts are also available for purchase--$12.00 for Issue #2.

3) My essay  “Future, Past Present, And All of the Days of Infamy and Grace In-between” appeared in the May 15, 2021 issue of Adelaide Literary Magazine. 

4)  My essay “Loss of Contact” appeared in the March 3, 2021 issue of Storyboard Memphis. 

The essay is the same one that placed third in a 2019 nonfiction contest sponsored by The Charlotte Writers’ Club.

Have I covered all of the bases?  I think so.  If not, or if any additional late publication wins appear in my in-box, I will meet you back here with another update. 

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

NOMADLAND for the WIN!!!

I was hoping Nomadland would win for Best Picture.  The fact that it was based on a non-fiction title was a nice surprise (yes, another must-read for my collection) and probably accounted for it’s documentary-like feel.  Frances McDormand was wonderful as “Fern.” I’ve been enjoying her on-screen performances since HBO’s “Olive Kitteridge.”  McDormand’s female protagonists typically bring something other than their looks or sex appeal to the story, which is always a plus.

But what I enjoyed most about Nomadland was that it had the audacity to tell a woman’s story without allowing her to be mentally destroyed, physically hurt or killed in the process.  Fern was independent, adventurous, free-spirited and outspoken.  Typically, women like her don’t fare well on the screen.  It’s almost an unspoken or unwritten rule that such a woman will have to be shown having to pay for the crime of operating in the world, like a free woman with agency (you know, like men do most of the time). 

I promise you, I sat through that whole movie waiting for the moment when she’d be made to pay in the form of some sort of assault--whether sexual or physical--for having the gall to be a woman who called the shots in her life without answering to anyone.  At the movie’s end, I was shocked, relieved and to be honest--somewhat overjoyed that she’d survived without being harmed or stripped of her dignity.  I also knew at that moment that a smart, creative and talented woman must have been behind the making of the film.

I’m thrilled for Chole Zhao!  I can’t wait to see her next film and I truly hope she continues to be different and daring in her portrayals of woman.  For me, Nomadland was truly a refreshing and welcome change of pace. 

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

A Decluttering Find: Black Issues Book Review

Anyone else remember “Black Issues Book Review?  I ran across this issue while decluttering last week. In a number of ways, this particular issue--with Kanye and his mom, Dr. Donda West on the cover--is sort of like a time capsule.

The issue came out in May of 2007 and by November of the same year Dr. West was dead.  2007 also marks the year that the author of Project Girl, Janet McDonald died of colon cancer (in April) and the issue includes an article about her life and work.  On page 8, there’s an article about Bill Cosby’s pending 2007 book release--Come on, People! On the Path From Victims to Victors.  Page 9 features a contest that involves reviewing Eric Jerome Dickey’s book Walking With Enemies, which was scheduled for release in August of 2007.  The magazine’s best seller’s list included 1 book by Tavis Smiley--What I Know For Sure: My Story of Growing Up in America and another book introduced by him-- The Covenant in Action

The aforementioned were just some of the more notable authors/writers/creatives appearing in this issue who’ve since died, been incarcerated, sued and/or suffered a stunning fall from grace.

On a more uplifting note, one of the editors associated with the publication--Felicia Pride--has written several books and earned a number of film writing credits for TV series like Grey’s Anatomy and Queen Sugar.

In any case, as a faithful subscriber, I was more than just a little heartbroken when Black Issues Book Review suddenly ceased publication at the end of 2007.  I’d like to think, at some point, another publication like it will appear on the scene.  But deep down, I know that’s just wishful thinking.  Pretty soon, the only place you’re liable to find a real periodical--by real, I mean the type you can actually hold in your hands--is in a time capsule. 


Wednesday, February 03, 2021

NEW FICTION: STILL MY BABY . . . by Lori D. Johnson (SFWP Quarterly)

For those who’ve enjoyed my brand of humor in the past, the following is a link to a somewhat humorous girl-meets-boy tale called “Still My Baby.”  You can find my story in a special BIOPIC issue of the Santa Fe Writers Project Quarterly.   

The theme of this special BIOPIC issue of SFWP Quarterly centers around the concept of pleasure.  So, keep that in mind as you are reading and hopefully enjoying the work. 😉  Also, if you do enjoy, be sure to show a sister some love by either leaving a comment, by sharing the link, or depositing a bit of something in the tip jar (located on the site at the end of the piece), if you’re so inclined. 

The following is a brief excerpt of “Still My Baby” (by Lori D. Johnson).   See the most recent issue of SFWP Quarterly to read the rest of the story.

Thursday 9:47 p.m.

Her phone rings.  She contemplates ignoring the call, but a second before it rolls to voicemail, she picks up.  “Hello.”

“Hey baby, it’s me.  How’s it going?”

She smiles and shakes her head.  “I’m fine Darrell.  How are you?”

“I’m great, babe, but then, you already know that.”  His laughter is longer and louder than the joke warrants.  “Listen, I want you to go to this party with me tomorrow night.” 

“Sorry, I’m not--”

“Hold on, let me finish.  A lot of important people are scheduled to be there.  I could introduce you to some very influential--”

“As I was about to say,” she says, her agitation obvious. “I’m not interested. I already have plans.”

He’s silent for so long, she wonders if he’s hung up.  Finally, he says, “You know, I could do things for you.  You want to take a trip?  I’ll send you anywhere you want to go.  You need clothes? Shoes? Furs?  You name it, I can get it for you.”

“I bet,” she says.  “In exchange for?”

“I’ve got a Jag,” he says, leaving her question hanging.  “A nice apartment, a nice bank account and lots of friends in high places.  I mean, what more could any woman ask for?”

“A little humility might be nice,” she says. “Besides, since you already seem to have everything you need, what could you possibly want with somebody like me?”



Monday, December 21, 2020

Tis The Season To Share Gift Ideas & Reading Suggestions

 If you are in need of a last minute Christmas or Kwanzaa gift or just want a little something for yourself, I invite you to consider ordering the latest copy of Midnight & Indigo:Celebrating Black Female Writers (Issue #3).  You can order a copy (or copies) directly from their website or Amazon.  They also showcase stories and essays on their website.

Plus, if you are interested in reading more of my fiction, I have a short story featured in Midnight & Indigo’s latest edition.  My story “The Easter Speech” is a bitter-sweet glimpse of the bond between a little boy and his grandmother and how the grandmother’s love serves as an anchor in the little boy’s life.  

If you get a chance to read “The Easter Speech” please feel free to come back here and share your thoughts about it with me. 

Saturday, November 28, 2020


 Not long ago, I shared the following on Facebook . . .

Rutting Season? (Is that sorta like Cuffing Season?)

How many of you know anything about “rutting season”?  I’d never heard the term until last Friday when my morning walk was interrupted by the appearance of a buck. Yeah, you know, a male deer (aka those jokers with those horns on their heads).  Given that it was barely 7:30 in the morning, and kind of overcast, I blinked a couple of times to make sure my eyes weren’t deceiving me.  Yeah, it was a buck all right.  And not only was he standing in the middle of the street in front of my house, he was staring straight at me and looking right perturbed.


Now, had it been a doe, I might have kept right on walking towards my house.  But I’m not taking any chances with a creature that has horns growing out of its head, be it a deer, moose, elk, devil or what have you.  I’m saying,  I’ve already fallen once this year and dislocated a shoulder.  The last thing I need is to be out in the middle of the doggone street trying to throw hands with a buck, if not run from one at 7:30 in the morning.  

Can’t you hear that call to 911?  “Um, yeah one of my neighbors--a tall, middle-aged Black woman, who looks like she could stand to lose a few pounds-- is rolling around in the street with what appears to be a deer.  Yes, and you’d better hurry.  Looks like the deer has her in a headlock.”

So, after hurriedly backtracking to the corner, I call the hubby and say, “There’s a buck standing out in front of our house.”  Instead of saying, “Hold on honey, I’m coming to get you” this man heads for the front door and starts asking a bunch of questions.  And even has the nerve to tell me he doesn’t see any dang buck and yada, yada, yada.”  I was like, “Man, if you don’t stop yacking and come and get my behind off this corner . . .”

After arriving safely back home is when I discovered that Mr. Buck was now  hanging out in our backyard and trying to woo a shy Miss Doe, who he’d obviously pursued there.  On sharing the story with my son, he was like, “Oh, so what you’re saying Ma, is that our backyard was the hook-up spot!”  Ah, yeah, whatever.  I’m not trying to have a bunch of amorous deer all up in the bushes in my backyard.  Take that mess on somewhere else. 

Anyway, since then, I’ve learned that it’s rutting season--the time of year in these parts that deer commonly mate.  So, guess who won’t be going out on her morning walk for a while?  In the meantime, I’ve added a walking stick, a can of mace and a whistle to my Christmas list.   

The screen and the blinds on the window kept me from getting a clear picture.  And you’d best believe dude (aka Mr. Buck) was straight up mean-mugging me the whole time I was trying to snap this shot.

Friday, November 20, 2020

Lights! Camera! Action!

 No, I wasn't in a movie.  And while I'd love to announce that something I've written has been optioned for a film, that's not the case either. 😊

But not long ago, Arkana Journal invited me to participate in their “Contributor Spotlight.”  They asked me a few questions about my essay “The Trees Of Mississippi: A Strange and Bitter Crop” (featured in issue #8 of Arkana) and one about my writing influences. See the following for specifics.

--How did composing this piece leave you feeling once it was finished?

--Legacy appears as an important theme in this work.  What legacy do you wish to leave the reader with this piece?

--Which authors influence your writing the most and why?

If you're interested or even mildly curious about my responses, you can visit the Contributor Spotlight Lori D. Johnson link HERE.

Sunday, May 03, 2020


My essay, "The Trees of Mississippi: A Strange and Bitter Crop" appears in the latest issue of Arkana: A literary journal of mysteries and marginalized voices (Issue #8 / April 28, 2020).  If that alone wasn't cause for celebration, the essay was also selected as the winner of the Arkana Editor's Choice Award in Creative Nonfiction.  Talk about a nice surprise!

In addition to reading the essay, you have have the option of listening to me read it.  Reading my nonfiction isn't my strong suit, but I think I deserve a few points for effort.  Besides, how will I ever get better if I'm not willing to take the risk of putting myself out there and being, well, less than great? LOL  😄

The pics feature here are of some of the trees I saw on my last visit to Water Valley, Mississippi.  All, but one of the photos, captures trees I spotted on land owned by my family--The Hawkins.  

Friday, April 17, 2020

The Second Time Around . . . For "A Lesson In Failure"

Yes, it's true.  My essay "A Lesson In Failure" was selected for another book in the CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE SOUL series.  Look for copies of THE MAGIC OF MOMS at your local Target, Wal-mart, Barnes & Noble, Books-a-Million--basically, most places where books are still being sold (also check online).  

Add Chicken Soup For The Soul's THE MAGIC OF MOMS to your Mother's Day shopping list.  A portion of the royalties will be donated to charity.

**Previously, "A Lesson In Failure" appeared in Chicken Soup's  BEST ADVICE I EVER HEARD.**

Wednesday, March 04, 2020

And The Third Place Award Goes To . . .

Yes, my essay "Loss Of Contact" won 3rd Place in the CWC Nonfiction Contest for 2020! (CWC = Charlotte Writers' Club)

The contest judge, Charles Israel, Jr. (a writing instructor at Queens University of Charlotte) said the following about 
Loss of Contact:

"This writer captures our loss of friends in an intriguing and novel way--through the symbol of address books.  How do we deal with the passing of time, as friends--and ourselves--move away and indeed, move on?  This essay gives us a subtle, witty, and poignant answer.  And this writer knows how to take care of her reader: she will pause to address us directly, as our friends do in real life."--Charles Israel, Jr.--

Thursday, December 12, 2019


A few followers of my blog might remember how much I enjoyed coming up with lists for the now defunct Thursday Thirteen meme.  Whenever I could, I tried to inject a bit of humor into my lists.   I miss those days. But not long ago, I found a spot that welcomes my OCD driven brand of humor and list fixation.

If you’re at all interested in checking out my odd and (hopefully) amusing lists,  I encourage you to look me up on the Humoroutcasts website. My latest post covers the 8 Reasons I May Stop Going To The Movie Theater.  Let me know what, if anything, has altered your movie-going experience.

My first post on the Humoroutcasts website covered the 9 Wrestling Smack-downs I'd love to see. The matches included Mitch McConnell vs. The Notorious RBG and Lindsey Graham vs. The Squad. Checkout the full post on the website if you'd like to see some of the other matches on my list.

Monday, June 03, 2019


Recently, I shared the following on my Facebook Page

Okay, so I have a problem I’d like to share in hopes that some kind soul can offer a solution.  For the past several days, I’ve been struggling to win a fight--a contest of wills, if you will, and with a most formidable opponent.  At the moment, all in my world is calm to the point of being downright peaceful. I’d like to believe that I may have unwittingly gained the upper hand. But in the past my opponent has proved both clever and agile, so I’m not totally convinced the battle is over or even close to being won.
And just who might my evil nemesis be? A chipmunk. Yeah, you heard right, I’ve been doing battle with this dang devil of a chipmunk who won’t stop digging holes in the pot of zinnias I recently planted.
So, the pot--full of potting soil-- sat undisturbed on my front porch for about a week until I finally decided to go ahead and
plant my zinnia seeds. I can’t remember if I planted the seeds before my recent trip to ATL or shortly thereafter, but I do know
this past weekend is when the showdown began.  My gardening skills are limited. So having spotted a number of little green
shoots jutting up through the soil, I was feeling pretty good about myself. But on a casual stroll past the windows adjoining
the front door, I noticed all of this dirt scattered about on the porch. A quick peek thru the window blinds confirmed my
fears--something had been messing around in my flower pot.  The hubby suggested a bird might be the culprit. A cat
or possibly a snake were my first thoughts.
Whatever it was, maybe it will go elsewhere is what I told myself as I refilled the hole the little varmint had created in the
potting soil.  Ha! The very next morning, what--or make that who do I see on the porch snuggled up next to the pot when I
peeked through the blinds--yep, ole guilty himself--Mr. Chipmunk.

“Don’t you dare!” I shouted as I snatched opened the door and watched him make a run for it.  Knowing it was only a matter
of time before he made a return visit, I did a Google search for how to chase away chipmunks and found a “cayenne pepper” solution.  Mix cayenne in some water and spray around the area.  Not only did I spray the area down with cayenne water, I sprinkled a healthy dose of red pepper flakes around the pot too. You think it worked? Ha! I’m pretty sure Mr. Chipmunk said, “Well, would you look at this.  Ole Girl was nice enough to leave out some seasoning for the zinnia seeds.” Yeah, that little joker came back and dug yet another hole, leaving dirt and little green leaves scattered everywhere.
I was standing at the door, scratching my head, cursing beneath my breath, and trying to figure out what to do next when the
folks from Best Buy pulled up with the washing machine I’d recently purchased. In hauling out the old washer and carting in
the new, the Best Buy guys adjusted front door so it would remain in the open position while they work.  Not a problem--except if Mr. Chipmunk shows up again and on spying the open door decides to slip inside and pay me a surprise visit.

In anticipation of such an occurrence,  I called my son downstairs to watch and stand guard.  ‘Cause y’all know,
if Mr. Chipmunk gets inside of my house, it’s all over with right?  Yeah, I don’t have any problems going toe-to-toe with the
little varmint outdoors, on my front porch, and even in the front yard.  But once he’s inside of my house all bets are off.
Really, he can have it, I’m saying, the house as well as any and everything of value inside, ‘cause you best believe, I will be
exiting the premises with the quickness and calling for backup in the form of the nearest pest control agency.
Fortunately, it didn’t come to that.  After the Best Buy guys left, I had my son move the flower pot to the backyard
and place it on a patio table.  A temporary solution that might buy me some time until I could think of what to do next.
Another Google search turned up a suggestion for tea tree oil.  Okay, so the next morning before I head off to the drugstore to
purchase the oil, I peek out the window off the patio and guess who I see?  Yep, Mr. Chipmunk. I kid you not, he was
hanging out near the table containing the pot of the remaining zinnias, just as big and bad as you please,
as if to say, “It’s going to take a whole lot more than that to get rid of me, girlfriend!” Lil dude was straight up selling wolf tickets, but all it took was a quick jiggle of the door to send his little butt running again.
As it stands now, I guess we are at a stalemate of sorts.  On purchasing the tea tree oil, I gave the pot of zinnias a real good
greasing.  I’m not sure if the scent alone is supposed to keep the chipmunk away or if the slipperiness of the now greased up
pot will keep him from climbing inside the container again and break-dancing around in my potting soil.  Even though it’s
been a while since I’ve seen Mr. Chipmunk or any evidence of his presence, I wouldn’t put it past him to show up again. The hubby jokingly said when he does come back, he’ll probably be accompanied by a few of his little chipmunk friends.  
All I know is that Alvin and ‘nem better keep their little furry paws off my zinnias! But if my tea tree oil doesn’t work
y’all, I’m open to suggestions--especially from those of you with green thumbs and who have successfully chased pests
from your garden (s) before.  Seriously. Thanks in advance.